Friday, April 1, 2011

Work farewell

The girls at work made my last day quite memorable. What else could I expect, being April Fools Day?

My day started by being confronted with The Board. I was so upset, and not at all suspicious, that Kim and Kat were both off sick on my last day. I sighed, as this meant I'd have to help out clinically as well as finishing up everything before I left. Can't believe I fell for the oldest RPA speechie trick in the book!

I opened my office door to find my desk cleared of all my stuff, and replaced with dirty coffee cups.

And on my walls, late 70's pictures of alternative career paths I might want to consider. Hint much?

They put half-filled coffee cups all over my desk as a payback for the years of my own left behind at the end of each day for Jen to clean up...

The coffee cups. Each half filled with cold congealed coffee or tea.

And then I had to wash them all up.

The girls then concocted a plan to fake an extraordinary number of very realistic new referrals once I got to the ward. I completely fell for it, totally stressed out at the workload I had on my very last day, and promptly burst into tears (of relief) when I realised the whole ward was in on the joke.

Wearing the princess tiara for the morning. No idea why they think I'm a princess :)

They made/let me run triage, for the last time... sob sob.

Finally, a nice surprise! Adriano Zumbo macarons!

The macarons. Oh my.

Kat and Elyse clearly not enjoying having to dress up.

Rosie (and Kim, she's wearing a mask) getting into the dressups.

The handing over of my precious folder to new grad Rosie, to look after it with loving care.

Stroke case manager Nadia told me they made "a tart for the tart".

Any excuse for an afternoon tea on 8W2. Physio, stroke case manager, speechie, and NUM.
Won't find a better bunch of people to work with.

Dietitian, speech path, OT, and physio. Go the neuro MDT!

Voluntary physical touch from Kim. Note the full body contact. This moment was 2 years in the making, and the absolute highlight of my time at RPA. Thank goodness it was captured on film for prosperity.
I am as excited as I look. Kim is masking her secret enthusiasm.

All dolled up for Cockatoo Island bar.

We had my farewell drinks at the Cockatoo Island bar.

Cockatoo Island as the sun went down. A nice end to a very eventful day!

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